
Julie Chytilová Received the 2024 Czech Science Foundation President’s Award

10 October, 2024

Doc. PhDr. Julie Chytilová, Ph.D. received the award for the project "Determinants of Pro-Social and Anti-Social Behavior: Field Experimental Evidence", of which she was the principal investigator.

The Czech Science Foundation President’s Award has been regularly awarded since 2003 in recognition of outstanding results achieved in grant projects completed in the previous year. Recipients are selected on the recommendation of several hundred scientists who evaluate projects funded by the Czech Science Foundation. The awards are presented in five areas of basic research: Technical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Medical and Biological Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Agricultural and Biological-Environmental Sciences.

Julie Chytilová's research among Ugandan farmers shows that poverty and financial distress lead to impatient behavior – people prefer immediate consumption and do not want to wait for longer-term results. This can worsen their future situation and keep them in a ‘vicious cycle of poverty’. Financial distress also increases the risk of unethical behavior. Research findings suggest that even short-term assistance can improve the decision-making and economic situation of the poor in the long term.

Laureati ceny GACR 2024

The President of the Czech Science Foundation Petr Baldrian awarded the five best scientific projects on the evening of October 8, 2024 at the Strahov Monastery.


GACR cena