Events at CERGE-EI
Tuesday, 25 June, 2019 | 11:30 | Special Event
CERGE-EI Macro Workshop: Macroeconomic Consequences of Ageing
CERGE-EI Macro Workshop: Macroeconomic Consequences of Ageing will take place at the seat of CERGE-EI on June 25, 2019. Workshop is organized by Marek Kapicka and Ctirad Slavik (CERGE-EI) and the SHARE-CZ+ project.
Time Presenter
09:30-10:00 Welcome Coffee
10:00–11:00 Marek Kapicka (CERGE-EI)
“Taxation and Organization of Knowledge”
11:00–12:00 Galina Vereshchagina (Arizona State)
“Taxation and sorting of managers across firms”
12:00–13:30 Lunch break (at your leisure)
13:30–14:30 Natalia Kovrijnykh (Arizona State)
“Benchmarking Asset Managers”
13:30–14:30 Jaroslav Borovicka (NYU and FRB of Minneapolis)
“Risk Premia and Unemployment Fluctuations”
14:30–15:00 Coffee Break
15:00–16:00 Jan Duraš (Texas Tech)
“Shopping Time over the Business Cycle”
16:00–17:00 Ctirad Slavik (CERGE-EI)
“Finance and inequality: A tale of two tails”