St 04.03.2020 | 16:30 | Special Event

Michal Frankl: East-Central Europe, a place of refuge in the 20th century?

St 04.03.2020

Michal Frankl: East-Central Europe, a place of refuge in the 20th century?

Historian Michal Frankl will be the second guest of the CCC Series - inter-disciplinary lectures organized by the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) in cooperation with the Center for Theoretical Study (CTS). The two joint workplaces of Charles University and the Economics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences will feature prominent Czech scientists from fields related to economics. 

Time:  4 March 2020  at 16:30
Place: CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1, Room 6

Michal Frankl: The East-Central Europe, a place of refuge in the 20th century?

East-Central Europe is typically perceived as a place to leave rather than a refuge offering protection from persecution. After all, in the 20th century, millions escaped for economic reasons, due to political persecution or as a result of nationalist conflicts and ethnic cleansing. Brain drain rather than refugee protection seems to be the subject for debate. This perspective, no doubt, informs current views and policies as well.

This lecture will offer a reverse perspective and – starting from the Holocaust-period refugees – will make case for the neglected history of refugees into East-Central Europe. Taking aim at the existing historiography, it will explore the tension between the pride over protection extended to selected groups and the general understanding of these countries as places of emigration. Building on empirical examples from Czechoslovak history, it will explore how refugees and refugee policies were written into the texture and law of the nation states in the region and align it with current state-of-the-art of the research in refugee history.

The lecture will be held in English. Please register here
