Út 17.01.2023 | 15:00 | For Study Applicants | ONLINE
PhD Webinar II: Financial Support, Accommodation and Mobility
Út 17.01.2023
PhD Webinar II: Financial Support, Accommodation and Mobility
Are you (thinking of) applying to PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI?
Do you have any questions regarding financial support or accommodation?
You are welcome to join our webinar on Tuesday, January 17 at 15.00 (CET).
All your questions will be answered!
Please register here.
Online link for the presentation: https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/93603722734?pwd=a0J6MUpBME4xUThhZzN1RmFtQVhVQT09
Meeting ID: 936 0372 2734
Passcode: 48623