pátek, 10 únor, 2023

00:01 | For Study Applicants | ONLINE

Admissions open!

Since December 1st till March 31 you can apply to our programs:
Master in Economic Research and PhD in Economics

Entry requirements are:
- BA or MA degree or equivalent
- Proficiency in spoken and written English
- Solid background in mathematics
- Previous education in economics is recommended

Your online application must content following documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Statement of motivation
- Copies of your diplomas and transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency level
- Contact details for two (or max. three) referees

For more information please see sections: How to apply to MAER or How to apply to PhD
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14:00 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Ludvig Sinander (University of Oxford) "Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle"

Ludvig Sinander, Ph.D.

University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Join online: https://call.lifesizecloud.com/17114154  (password 3687)

Authors: Ludvig Sinander, Eddie Dekel, John K.-H. Quah

Abstract: We develop a theory of monotone comparative statics in the presence of adjustment costs. We show that comparative-statics conclusions may be drawn under the usual ordinal complementarity assumptions on the objective function, assuming almost nothing about costs: the only requirement is that non-adjustment be costless. We use this insight to provide a general treatment of the le Chatelier principle based on adjustment costs. We extend these results to a fully dynamic, forward-looking model of adjustment over time: given only minimal structure on costs, optimal adjustment follows a monotone path. We apply our results to models of investment and of sticky prices.

JEL Classification: C02, C7, D01, D2, D8
Keywords: Adjustment costs, comparative statics, le Chatelier

Full Text: Comparative statics with adjustment costs and the le Chatelier principle